Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Although I'm reluctant to buy flowers for myself, send me a gorgeous bouquet of roses or peonies and I'm yours forever!  Speaking of flowers,  I received a brilliant floral arrangement from some dear friends a few weeks ago and took a photo while the flowers were in their prime.  Although the type of flowers used were very traditional, the arrangement is a fresh and modern translation because of the unusual method the flowers are arranged.  Five mini groupings of roses, lilies, hydrangea and orchids stand on their own beautifully but together, make a bold visual statement.  I took the photo with the thought that I could replicate the arrangement in some form for my Thanksgiving floral centerpiece.

I'm spoiled because my corner grocer carries the most wonderful selection of fresh seasonal flowers right outside my door. They also make a great cappuccino and sell homemade mozzarella--but that's another story. This morning I found a beautiful assortment of of flowers which included roses, carnations and hydrangea in the red, yellow and white color palette found in the inspiration arrangement. I used a round vase which I filled with fresh cranberries and arranged the flowers in small clusters by type.  It was easy to do and I'm really pleased with the results. Almost ready for guests!

Fresh flowers from my corner market

Inspiration Bouquet

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