Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I've taken a liking to mussels recently and apparently so has everyone else. Restaurants with a mussel heavy menu seem to be the new trend-- so what's all the fuss about?  When cooked well and served in a simple sauce, mussels can be sublime. Briny and sweet, mussels pair beautifully with a variety of sauces and flavors. I became obsessed with them this summer on our trip to Spain. The delicious dish appeared as a staple at nearly every tapas restaurant we encountered, most of them dressed in a tomato garlic sauce that was simply addictive.  My favorite dish was found in the charming seaside town of Stiges. The chic seaside restaurant served a steaming crock of sweet mussels smothered in a light tomato sauce which became a messy three napkin lunch-and so worth it.  I tried replicating the dish myself and home and the results were delicious--and so easy. Enjoy!

Mussels in Tomato Sauce
2-1/2 lbs of fresh mussels
1 32 ounce can of peeled tomatoes
1 medium onion finely chopped
1 clove garlic finely chopped
1/4 cup good white wine
1 TB red wine vinegar
2 TB flat leaf parsley finely chopped
4 TB olive oil

salt to taste


Clean and de-beard all of the mussels discarding any that are already open.

In a large pan, heat the oil over medium-high heat and add the onion and garlic. Cook them until they are soft. Now crush the tomatoes in your hands and add to the pan with the sauce. Add the white wine and vinegar. Add the parsley. Cover the dish and simmer for 7-8 minutes.
Add the mussels to the sauce and cover the pan. Cook over medium heat for 4-5 minutes or until all of the shells open. Discard any mussels that do not open after cooking.
Serve in a dish with sauce and a loaf of crusty bread for dipping. Enjoy!

Stiges is such a charming seaside town--if you visit Barcelona it's just a thirty minute train away. The perfect spot for an afternoon swim and lunch.


  1. Thanks for the recipe that first picture is soooo appetizing. My husband and I are big fans of seafood in any kind of sauce, pescatore, it all. I will have to try this!

  2. Like you Barbara, I really only became hooked on mussels since living in Spain. I love them and cook them in a variety of ways at least once a week. They are also really healthy (low in cholesterol, unlike prawns "gambas").

  3. I saved this, Barbara. As always, I know that your recipes are delicious. Hopefully I can find some really fresh mussels.
    Have a nice day.

  4. I love mussels and funny I just prepared some this past weekend with a saffron lemon butter sauce. I’m definitely going to try your recipe it sounds delicious. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll be back!

  5. I love mussels and make them almost every weekend in the Hamptons (for years now)...mussels marinara, homemade recipe...the best I've ever had. Also, Landmarc in the AOL Timewarner Building has great mussels on their menu. I don't like mussels in white wine and olive oil...seems boring to me. We'll have to have a mussels date in the Hamptons!

  6. Wish I was there - thanks for sharing!

    Especially love "old" cities and towns - so much history and beautiful architecture!

    Best Wishes,

    beachside cottage

  7. I am a true lover of mussels ~ and don't find many recipes with red based broths, so thank you!

  8. Love the shots of Stiegs, I wish I had made it there! The mussels look delicious as well. The dish reminds me of those I had on the Costa Brava, Spain.

  9. I am dropping a post on a lunch we had on the Costa Brava tonight. I hope you don't mind if I link to your mussel recipe. I think the splendid readers will love it!

  10. I love mussels and funny I just prepared some this past weekend with a saffron lemon butter sauce. I’m definitely going to try your recipe it sounds delicious. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll be back!
